Monday, November 29, 2010


I added another animation to the right...and I added a few pictures. To see them there's a tab up at the top. The pictures are from last year. I don't have winter pictures from this year yet being that we're not really into the snow part of winter yet. So today is "Cyber Monday". I think that Cyber Monday should be a national holiday. Who's gonna go to the store when all the sales are online? Give those Wal-Mart workers a day off! And i still don't understand why people go out of their way to get up at 1 AM on Black Friday because if you just wait 3 days all the sales are in the comfort of your own home. You can stay in your PJs and slippers and not have to worry about getting run over by that old lady in the wheelchair trying to get the NICE dentures even though everyone knows she's the only one that wants them. That's just my opinion. But if you did go online and enjoy the sales I hope you took advantage and went all out.
So I'll see ya soon then I guess.
Stay Musical :)


  1. Beautiful new pictures!

  2. yes, NICE DENTURES, and I don't know how much they were...
    and Thanks :)
